NOLA Solar Power

NOLA Solar Power

Debate About Solar Energy Surges On

While most people agree that we need other energy sources, not everyone agrees on what it should be. Some people are in favor of using public land for solar energy, while others disagree with this idea.

While many Americans are in favor of developing solar energy, some are against the idea of using public land to house solar panels. Opponents of using land for solar energy claim we can get enough use out of rooftop panels to make a difference, referring to the panels placed on private buildings and houses. However, many experts in this industry claim that while rooftop panels are definitely necessary, we need more than that to solve the nation’s energy problems.

According to some, we should be using the vast expanse of BLM lands in the California desert to increase solar energy. They also note that not much land would be needed, or at least not as much as some fear. The main argument is that most Americans agree that we need to increase the amount of solar energy available, and that using a small amount of public land is the easiest way to do so. Those in favor of using public land for solar energy also point out that we have used it to drill for oil, so it has already been used to get energy of some sort. In addition, they claim that as long as conservation areas are protected, there is no reason not to start using the open space for the development of solar energy.

Of course, this is a hotly debated issue. Though few people wish to be dependent on oil forever, not everyone thinks there is a future in solar energy, leading to the ongoing debate about whether we should invest in this alternative energy source.

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