NOLA Solar Power

NOLA Solar Power

Go Green and Save Money: The Benefits Of Solar Power in Louisiana

  • Introduction
  • Solar Energy in Louisiana
  • Benefits of Solar Power Installation in Louisiana
  • Louisiana Solar Power Incentives and Programs
  • Getting Started with Solar Energy in Louisiana
  • Conclusion – Benefits of Solar Panel Installation
roadhouse style restaurant with road in front of it, traditional louisiana building style, swamp background, with solar panels on roof

Solar energy is becoming increasingly popular for powering homes and businesses throughout Louisiana. With the state’s abundant sunshine, solar power makes economic and environmental sense. Solar panels are inexpensive to install, require little maintenance and can generate clean energy for decades. In addition to reducing electricity costs, installing solar helps reduce pollution and greenhouse gas emissions.

Louisiana is home to several solar energy incentives and programs designed to make it easier for homeowners and businesses to go solar. These include the Solar Energy Investment Tax Credit (ITC), the Residential Renewable Energy Tax Exemption, and the Renewable Energy Systems Sales & Use Tax Exemption. With these incentives, solar energy can be an affordable and profitable investment.

2023 Louisiana Solar Tax Credits, Rebates & Other Incentives

These are some of the advantages available with solar panels for more money and more value. You can expect some of these costs to help you choose the one most beneficial.

Solar Investment Tax Credit (ITC): This credit can save homeowners and businesses up to 30 percent of the solar system’s cost.

Residential Renewable Energy Tax Exemption: Louisiana residents who install a solar system may be eligible for an exemption from state taxes on the income they earn from their renewable energy investment.

Renewable Energy Systems Sales & Use Tax Exemption: Louisiana residents and businesses may be eligible for an exemption from state sales taxes on solar energy systems.

Net Metering: Louisiana provides net metering, which allows customers to get credits for the excess energy their system produces that can be applied to their next bill.

Solar Rebates: Louisiana offers a solar rebate program that can provide up to $1,000 for home or business owners who install a solar system.

Property Tax Exemption: Homeowners may be eligible for an exemption from state property taxes when they purchase and install a renewable energy system.

Solar Financing and Leasing Programs: Louisiana offers a variety of solar financing options, including loan programs, leasing programs, and power purchase agreements that can make it easier for homeowners to go solar.

Solar Energy System Equipment Manufacturer Tax Credit: This tax credit encourages businesses in the state to manufacture equipment used in solar energy systems.

By taking advantage of these incentives and programs, Louisiana residents can save money while investing in a cleaner energy future. Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular choice for powering homes and businesses throughout Louisiana, and with the right incentives in place, it’s easier than ever to make the switch.

field of solar panels, bayou background, edward hopper style

Louisiana Solar Panels: What Affects the Cost?

The cost of solar energy in Louisiana depends on several factors, including the size of the system, installation costs, and available incentives. The cost of installing a system will also vary depending on whether it is grid-tied or off-grid. Grid-tied systems are typically more affordable since they connect to the public utility power grid. On the other hand, off-grid systems require a battery system to store energy for later use.

The size of the solar panel system also affects the cost. A larger system will generate more power and therefore provide more savings, but it will also be more expensive to install. Homeowners should consider how much energy their household uses and what system best fits their needs.

Finally, the cost of installing solar panels can be significantly reduced by taking advantage of state and federal tax credits and incentives.

What Do Louisianians Need to Know About the Federal Solar Tax Credit?

Solar credit programs were created in 2005. It’s a perk offered to all American citizens. Its initial target would fall 30% to 26% in 2020, with another reduction to 22 percent in 2023, and is then discontinued in 2024. In February 2018, Congress approved the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

• 26% in 2020

• 22% in 2021

• 10% in 2022 and beyond.

What Are the Other Benefits of Installing Solar Panels in Louisiana?

In addition to the federal solar tax credit, several other incentives and programs are available for installing solar panels in Louisiana.

These incentive programs make it easier and more affordable for homeowners and businesses across the state to invest in solar energy. By taking advantage of these incentives and programs, Louisiana residents can save money while investing in a cleaner energy future.

Solar energy is becoming an increasingly popular choice for powering homes and businesses throughout Louisiana, and with the right incentives in place, it’s easier than ever to make the switch. Now is the perfect time to start investing in solar energy.

solar installer working on a traditional louisiana house roof with cypress trees in the background

Louisiana solar panel cost

Solar panels can provide a very affordable alternative to the traditional power supply. Louisiana’s solar cost is measured at watts per watt. A residential solar system costs about $25,000 for the average solar array in the United States. The average solar panels pay back approximately 6 to 9 years.

The average price of solar panels in Louisiana is between $2.50 and $3.00 per watt, depending on system size and other factors. This means a 5kW system would cost between $12,500 and $15,000 after incentives. With the right incentives in place, it’s easier than ever to make the switch and enjoy all the benefits that come with solar power.

How to Claim the Federal ITC in Louisiana

The Federal ITC, or investment tax credit, is available to homeowners who purchase and install solar panels in Louisiana. This tax incentive can be claimed when filing your taxes annually.

To claim the Federal ITC in Louisiana, you must fill out IRS Form 5695 with your return and send it along with the applicable forms for your state. You must also collect and submit a certificate of eligibility from your solar panel provider.

Louisiana Solar Power Storage Batteries

Louisiana receives more sunshine, which is great for your solar installation!

Your solar panels convert energy from renewable sources – sometimes even more than the house needs! It can be effective to save this extra power. Solar batteries can store your excess power for use, even after the sun goes down.

Tesla, LG, and Pylontech manufacture batteries. They come in different sizes with various warranties and include indoor and outdoor installation options.

Solar Energy in Louisiana: The Future is Now

Louisiana solar energy is the future. With technological advancements and new incentives, switching to solar has never been easier or more cost-effective. Investing in renewable energy sources like solar helps reduce your carbon footprint while providing significant savings on your energy bills in the long run. Make

Louisiana solar rebates

While Louisiana has no special rebate for solar power installation, certain manufacturers like LG offer solar rebate programs for solar installations. This program is usually time sensitive. For example, LG offers the rebate of $600 for solar power that the installers will give you in the following year. You may also be eligible for an additional $150 rebate if your solar panel system is installed by a licensed solar installer.

Additionally, Louisiana residents may qualify for federal and state tax credits when they install solar systems in their homes. The Federal Solar Tax Credit allows homeowners to deduct up to 30% of their new solar system’s cost from their federal taxes.

Lastly, Louisiana’s Public Service Commission offers net metering programs that allow solar homeowners to sell excess power generated by their systems back to the utility grid at retail rates. This can help them save money and also reduce energy costs over time.

What You Should Know About the Solar Energy System Exemption in Louisiana

Louisiana provides an exemption from sales and uses taxes for all solar energy systems. Any products purchased to install a solar system, such as panels, batteries, inverters, racking, and wiring, are exempt from state-imposed taxes.

Save money by installing solar panels in LA.

With a Solar Tax Credit, the Bayou State is a good place for solar energy exploration. Its southeast region, famous for Mardi Gras and jazz, has an excellent solar energy source. In Louisiana, solar incentive programs are available for homeowners that improve financial savings from the move toward solar energy. Solar incentives in the Pelican State are good ways to lower the cost of power.

Louisiana Solar Power Rebates and Tax Incentives are customer friendly.

Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

The Pelican State has good government-backed solar panel incentives, like the Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC) which allows you to deduct up to 30% of your installation cost on your taxes; the Louisiana Sales and Use tax exemption for solar energy systems that exempts all components of a solar energy system from sales tax.


The Net-Metering Program allows you to sell excess power from your panels back to the grid at retail rates. All these incentives can help make a major difference in the upfront costs of switching to solar energy – so don’t overlook them when deciding whether or not to make the switch.

How to Claim the Property Tax Exemption in Louisiana

The best part about the state exemption for property tax is its automatic nature. Your tax assessor is looking for permits for your solar array but ignores the cost to your home when estimating your taxes. That’s because solar arrays do not increase the value of your home in Louisiana, which is great news for any homeowner who wants to go green.

Louisiana is the ideal option for you with all its financial incentives if you’re searching for a fantastic way to reduce your monthly energy payments. Solar installations are currently more economical and accessible than ever before, and when combined with Louisiana’s solar subsidies, the switch is even more attractive. With access to these funds available at your fingertips, start investing in an eco-friendly future today!

It would be best if you also remembered that you must register for the Solar Energy System Exemption in Louisiana with your local assessor’s office. Doing so will help you avoid surprises when your property tax bills arrive. Furthermore, you should always consult with the experts if you have any questions to ensure you get all possible benefits of switching to solar energy.

Louisiana solar incentives or rebates

Solar panels in Louisiana can be very expensive, and Louisiana solar incentive programs can lower your total expenses to install a solar panel. The Federal government introduced a residential clean energy credits program in October 2022. There are 30 percent tax credits available on solar installation on home purchases until 2032 when they start to decline. Upon installation of any system after the 16th of August 2022, your credit is still valid on your account. Louisiana currently offers no rebate program.

How much energy can I get from solar in Louisiana?

Louisiana ranks amongst 20 U.S. states for peak solar hours and has more than 100 clear days each year, giving the Pelican state excellent solar potential. The solar energy produced by the solar power system depends on various factors. This includes shading and panel angle that determine your estimated total production. It predicts the amount that solar energy will generate. The amount of power generated depends on the efficiency and size of the solar panel. The more efficient a panel is, the smaller it can be.

Louisiana also has a Solar Renewable Energy Credit (SREC) Program that rewards customers with solar energy savings for participating in renewable energy programs. This program allows homeowners to earn money for every 1,000 kilowatt-hours of energy produced by their solar panel system. The money earned is based on the value of the SREC certificates that are issued for each installation. This program can help offset some of the cost of a solar system and make it even more attractive to install one in Louisiana.

Ultimately, with all the incentives and savings available for residential solar panel users in Louisiana, it’s easy to see why this is a great state to make the switch. The upfront switching costs can be offset by generous federal, state, and local incentives, allowing you to save money in the long run.

Federal Tax Credit for Louisiana Solar Panel System

This tax credit is provided to Louisiana property owners. The federal solar tax credit offers a 30% credit on solar power costs! It is ideal for those wanting solar panels for Louisiana. If you’re planning on donating solar energy to an electric power station, now’s not a better time to take action. If you’re considering going solar in Louisiana, you get a 30% tax credit until 2032. Solar Tax Credits will decrease to 26% by 2033.

Net Energy Metering in Louisiana

Net energy management is an ad hoc billing system required by many public and governmental agencies. It monitors electricity flowing from the grid to your home if your panels have no power that sustains the demands for the home’s energy and any excess power your panels are generating and transmitting to the network. The net-metering system determines the amount your electricity is paid to a power grid and applies that money to the next electric bill to reduce your monthly electricity costs and effective energy rates. The Net Energiemeter increases energy savings and helps pay for solar panels faster.

Conclusion: Take Advantage of Local Solar Incentives in Louisiana

Louisiana is actively embracing renewable energy sources and taking the initiative with solar power. Homeowners who invest in solar panels are presented with several attractive incentives, such as net metering, federal tax credit and local incentive programs to reduce overall costs. By making use of all available resources, Louisiana homeowners can both save on their utility bills while also contributing towards an eco-friendly future. Going green has never been so easy!

In summary, the Louisiana solar incentives make it a great place to switch to solar energy due to its wide range of incentives. The federal tax credit, net metering system, and local incentives make it an attractive and cost-effective choice for homeowners in the area. With careful research into available programs and proper planning, residents can save money on their energy bills while also reducing their carbon footprint by choosing solar energy. Investing in this renewable source will provide long-term savings on electricity costs as well as helping build a cleaner future for everyone!


1. Louisiana Office of Community Development – Solar Energy Systems Program

2. Louisiana Solar Energy Tax Credit

3. DSIRE Database on State Incentives for Renewable Energy and Efficiency

4. Net Energy Metering in Louisiana

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